Thursday, April 16, 2009

You dont know how to love me.

The greatest entity in the universe in the category of the misunderstood is the species of man gender of male. He is held most responsible for the ills of society and is the most accomplished in the breakthroughs of our world. He has walked on the moon, divided the atom, made the pyramids, tamed savage beasts, and discovered how to fly, figured out how to alter his biology and control the weather. He has been able to swim deeper than the fishes. He can utilize even the invisible spiritual realm for his bidding. He has conquered every new plateau placed in front of him. He has invented war discovered peace and He has even walked on water. In the marvelous plethora of his existence he still remains as the most misunderstood creature of Gods creation. He longs for the best even when he has more than he needs. He falls to the depths of his worse even when he is extended every best privilege. He is sought after by the female yet to his and her common conclusion is that they coexist on two frequencies of communication. Messages are skewed and frequently misread. They object lesson is why?

Today I am entering into the discussion from the mans position and hoping to shed some light.

My thesis statement of this morning is this ”The greatest chasm between the man and the woman is not the mans misunderstanding of the woman but conversely the women’s misunderstanding of the man.

Now I stated this prior to giving my normal disclaimer to test my theory. The minute a thought goes out into the world to build a man, a complimentary thought goes out to cause women in the vicinity of that thought to feel attacked or overlooked or under appreciated. In our current social condition especially in the western world, men have been conditioned to take blame for the poor communication within the species. Now any contra argument brought usually is faced with immediate protest. In fact at this moment I know there are some protests going up and I have lost some of you already.

The protest of felinity seems to take form in the work room that forms the fabric of man.

It is a protest that seeks to advise even God himself that if He would have simply asked her she would have given him much needed guidance in the building of the progenitor of the gender.

Now to take the ladies off the hook for a moment I will say that it is hard to communicate or effect a man whom is in an identity crisis. A man who is not married in his mind will not answer to the call of husband in his behavior. A man who has not bought into being a father will not answer the call of daddy. The man who is not feeling the bonds of unity will not answer to the label of faithful.

So if we are expecting to share a conversation on these topics it is imperative that this man you are talking to is able to answer to his name, or calling. In order to do so he must be awakened to his identity.

In my search to find myself I have discovered that the path of identity has come in the studying of certain men of the scripture and their relationship with God. I have discovered that God has given me a manual to understanding me and the remedy for woman who do not. I have come to the conclusion that all that is needed for complete interpretation of the mystery of man is this. Ladies speaking on behalf of the men both single and married. To the ladies who have no significant other embracing them and warming their beds in marital bliss to the married woman unfulfilled and disenchanted at what she has in comparison to what she has not. To the woman hurt by her choices and to the woman scorned by the memory and scars of the abandonment. I profess to you today…the reason for your woes and the reason man is your foe is this and this alone…

“You don’t know how to Love me.

Now after you get over the shock of the statement and before I have to call security to put you back in your seat..Hear me out

As Jesus approached the men who became his disciples he demonstrated the formula to changing a man. Ladies please don’t tell me that your intention is not to change a man because you cant play a playa and you cannot divert from programming . You are a nurturing home maker that causes the cave of our lives to be beautifully furnished inside of everyone of you is a man refurbishing kit. Even if the brother comes with all the bells and whistles fully optioned out your initial inclination upon given rights of man ownership is to re decorate the brother to add some after market detailing. I don’t care if its as simple as changing the air freshner in his car or throwing out his photo album erasing his old phone list or getting him a tummy tuck there is something in that man that you feel the need to customize to your specifications. So what I am going to do for you is show you how to Reach me, talk to me love me in order to change me….Brothers help her say Reach me talk to me love me to change me….

Reach me, talk to me, Love me, to change me. As the unassuming carpenters son made his way towards a band of unsuccessful fishermen. He first met them at the place of common interest. Gaining creditability by assisting them in an area of their personal failure and effecting that successfully.

If you want to get a man’s attention you must start in the area of his interest and his concern.

The method of Christ didn’t start with hey why you worried about not having fish, just pray.
It did not come from the place of illogical spirituality.

Regardless of His feelings regarding their circumstance he first addressed the thing that they were taking serious. He offered them a method not questions, a solution not ridicule.

Repeat this: Respect ,correct then inspire,

This is the reaching point. Solutional approach to the linear logic mind that is pointed in an interest. If you love me you will reach me at the location of my interest by first respect. Respect is the doggy treat that causes me to leave my bone of contention and refocus on you. Without respect you become another issue or attacker or problem. Respect must always come before correction. Some body say it like they heard it. The more correction that is needed the more respect must be given. Do not attempt to correct anyone especially a man whom you love that you do not show and have respect for. You will become an enemy…Respect puts you in the jurisdiction of my presence.. Worship and respect are synonymous. If you show the appropriate respect I will invite you into the place of my intimate court.
The Location of correction if you cant locate me you cant correct me.

Location is the key to reach

Mary comes home and finds Jimmy home from work watching T.V Mary puts down her purse and hangs up her coat and says , Honey I had a terrible day at work, a co-worker attempted to proposition me and was very insistent and honey you have always told me not to be too friendly with men because they take it the wrong way and I just want to apologize for not listening to you. You are so knowledgeable and wise and you always give me the right advise about these things. I put him in his place I showed him your picture and the ring you gave me and told him he could never live up to the type of man you are and the type of bond we have. I told him that you totally consume my affections and I have no time to waste on the likes of him. I told him that his advances were unwanted and if he ever even looked in my direction again I would be looking to get him fired and calling the police. I also told him that I would be coming home to tell you and that he is lucky you are not the jealous type because you were more than capable of coming to work to put him in check. Jimmy not saying a word sat watching the sports highlights and a small sheepish grin comes across his face as he puts his arm around Mary and gives her a kiss on the forehead. Then Mary replies, that’s why when I found the phone number for that girl Susan who you work with in your pants last night I knew it was just another case of people trying to get between are love. Jimmy’s eyebrows raise and he is speechless, Mary smiles as she rests her head on Jimmy’s chest and realizes that his heartbeat has quicken considerably….Mission accomplished she thought.

John 4:7-26 A woman at a well is asked by a man of another ethnicity to bring him water. The response is 1.Questions his identity, 2.Challenges his ability, 3.Defies his authority 4. Makes a request for His provision.5 Percieves his power 6. Seeks correction 7. Recieves revelation.

Her location put her within the reach of Christ. Christ was able to reach her and she had the opportunity to reach Him and to talk with Him her views were not the same but she was able to talk with HIM, Her process was still dubious because even amongst all the chatter Jesus still never got the glass of water. She leaves and relays the story to her country men asking them is this the Christ, they blatantly tell her that we believe not because you said so but us spending time with Him ourselves . Now we confirm with you that this is the Christ the Saviour of the World. She gives us two things to think about

1. Some times men rather hear from men. The same point the same position that you have they don’t want to believe it because they frankly want to examine the source themselves. Not that they don’t trust you but we wanna know for ourselves.
2. Point two is sometimes women need confirmation from other men. Jesus was not enough evidence for this woman she went home and said IS THIS THE CHRIST.

One talk was not enough she needed more voices to confirm the position. So this is where it can lead to problems in a relationship. I tell you something but you don’t believe me you have to go to others to validate what I said. They have to come back to you and confirm what I told you in two minutes it took them two days to figure out and then confirm with you. And you are asking me why im frustrated with you..When Jesus talks the woman doesn’t listen but when the men of the town confirm she listens..This is a critical point in men. Why couldn’t you just listen to me…Your instinct to mistrust me and seek other opinions delays your blessing of comprehension.. The well represented access to a well of information and she chose to be nourished on second hand information. Why didn’t she leave everything and follow Christ. We did she not return with the men… Why is the information required to be repeated in her ears by those who were not privy in her original revelation. No you dont need to ask pastor everything, just ask your man….Some stuff you don’t need outside confirmation ask your man…

3.Ladies some of you are in the location of revelation but you refuse to drink from the well. So what you are doing is aborting your position and allowing others to come and drink. Once you get in the location of my words become a hearer and a doer. Why are you going on the phone to check with your girlfriend or your other male friends. In fact why are you sending your male friends to talk to me if I wanted to talk to them I would have called them. I wanted to talk to you and you ran to them. Now when they call me they are going to come right back to you and tell you what I told you was right…You know my location but your never reached me… Don’t send others to reach me when you know my location.

Learn how to reach me.
Location is the key to reach John 20:26-28 (King James Version)

26And after eight days again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them: then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you.

27Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing.

28And Thomas answered and said unto him, My LORD and my God.

Thomas was in the location of doubt…the location mistrust the location of disillusionment all that he believed in has been smashed and crucified and he was not ready to let his heart love or trust again..

Some time ladies in order for you to really be able to trust and understand a man you need to reach into what has pierced that man, what has been driven through his hands and caused him to loose contact with you what has been driven into his feet to cause him to not to be able to come around you. Your separation issues are real they are substantial but just use a finger of discernment and touch the pain of the man and maybe you will understand him a little better. Maybe your faith in us will change. Baby the reason I abandoned you for a moment was because I was broken on the inside, I had authority on my head to cover you but to me if felt like a crown of thorns and you will realize if you thrust into my side the thing I missing most is you…

But if you are going to hurt me I CANT SHOW YOU MY BRUISES….Even though the doors of your heart are shut I will show you my vunerable side and maybe you will believe if you reach, if you extend your self just a little if you get over yourself your pain your doubt if you cancel the pity party maybe you can get some answers for the gnawing questions of your heart. REACH, REACH COME PAST THE BLOCKADE OF YOUR DILEMMA REACH COME PAST THE POVERTY THE INDIFFERENCE REACH IGNORE THE PERCEPTION THAT THIS IS NOT NORMAL REACH,, REACH FOR YOUR DESTINY REACH FOR YOUR FAVOR REACH FOR YOUR DREAMS, REACH MR. Right is near. Reach into revelation reach into the apostolic Thomas blessing…Now you know how to love me.

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